Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kickstarter winding down

As I write this there are a mere 37 hours left in Reunion's Kickstarter campaign, a campaign that, through the generosity and faith of 72 backers (so far!), has been a success for nearly a week.

Our campaign officially ends at 11:59PM (PST) on December 29th, but we reached our goal a full week early (12/22). It's been an amazing experience to see so many different people support the production of an independently produced horror film. And thanks to that support we were able to enjoy the Christmas break without worrying about whether we would reach our goal.

One thing we've taken away from this experience is that we will support other Kickstarter projects in the future. It's an amazing way to support creative people and the passion that drives them.

And Kickstarter is free to use! They only make money when projects are successfully funded (like ours). At that point they receive 5% of the money donated. So when you back a successful project you're also helping to support the whole Kickstarter community of projects, a community that includes novelists, graphic novelists, video game designers, filmmakers, musicians, and more. Pretty cool.

We'd like to again thank all of our donors for helping us make Reunion. If you'd like to be a part of our little production there's still time to donate, earn rewards, and support Kickstarter. Just follow this link - http://kck.st/b9F3fi - and then click the green "Back This Project" button.

Be seeing you...


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